الاثنين، 24 ديسمبر 2018

الكليجة العراقية

تعدّ الكليجة العراقية أحد أنواع الحلويات المشهورة في العراق؛ حيث لا يكاد بيت عراقي يخلو منها، كما يمكن تناولها مع الشاي أو القهوة، بالأخص في الأعياد، سنعرض في هذا المقال طريقة عمل الكليجة العراقية.

إعداد الكليجة العراقية
ثلاثة أكواب من الدقيق.
كوب من السمنة أو زيت الذرة.
ملعقة كبيرة من البيكنج باودر.
ملعقة صغيرة من الخميرة.
نصف كوب من السكر.
رشة ملح.
بيضة واحدة كبيرة الحجم.
نصف ملعقة صغيرة هيل مطحون.
ملعقة متوسطة من الفانيلا.
ملعقتان كبيرتان من الحليب البودرة.
نصف كوب من الماء الدافئ.

طريقة التحضير
أحضري وعاءً ثمّ نخّلي الدقيق، وأضيفي البيكنج باودر إليه، والحليب البودرة، ثمّ أضيفي القليل من الملح.
ضعي الخميرة داخل الوعاء الذي يحتوي على الماء الدافئ، ثمّ أضيفي السكّر، وحرّكي حتى تنشط الخميرة.
أضيفي الخميرة الممزوجة بالماء والسكر إلى الوعاء الذي يحتوي على الطحين.
أضيفي السمنة أو زيت الذرة إلى وعاء الطحين، ثمّ أضيفي البيضة.
ابدئي بتحريك المكوّنات مع بعضها البعض إلى أن تتجانس، ثمّ اعجنيها إلى أن تصبح العجينة متماسكةً وليّنة في الوقت نفسه كي يسهل تشكيلها، أمّا إذا كانت العجينة قاسية يمكن إضافة القليل من الماء أو السمن.
اتركي العجينة لمدّة تصل إلى نصف ساعة كي تتخمّر وترتاح، وبعدها حضّري الحشوات التي ترغبين بها.
جهّزي قوالب الكليجة الخشبية الخاصّة، ويجب أن تكون مختلفة الأشكال للتمييز بين الحشوات، ثمّ خذي مقداراً من العجينة يناسب حجم القالب، ثمّ ضعي داخل العجينة بحجم ملعقة صغيرة إحدى الحشوات التي جهزتيها مسبقاً من الجوز، والفستق، أو التمر، أو السمسم مع الهيل، أو جوز الهند بإضافة الهيل المطحون، ثمّ أغلقي العجينة على الحشوة، واجعليها على شكل كرة، وضعيها في القالب، واضغطي عليها، بعد ذلك اقلبي القالب فتخرج إليكِ القطعة مزخرفةً بنفس زخرفة القالب، وبعد ذلك ضعي الكليجة التي جهزتيها داخل الصينية، ثمّ اتركيها ترتاح لعدّة دقائق قبل الخبز.
سخّني الفرن على درجة حرارة 180م، وثبّتي الرف الشبكي في وسط الفرن، جهّزي صينية ذات حواف قصيرة، ثمّ ضعي داخلها من ورق الزبدة أو ادهنها بالقليل من السمن أو زيت الذرة، كما يمكن دهنها بالبيض.
ضعي صينيّة الكليجة العراقيّة داخل الفرن لمدّة تصل إلى عشرة دقائق، إلى أن يصبح قاع الكليجة مائلاً إلى اللون الذهبي، ويُفضّل تحمير الجهة العليا منه أيضاً.
أخرجي الكليجة من الفرن، وعندها تصبح جاهزةً، يمكنك أن ترشّي عليها القليل من السكّر الناعم قبل أن تبرد، ثمّ اتركيها تبرد قليلاً، ثم رشّي مرّةً أخرى المزيد من السكر.
ضعي الكليجة العراقيّة بعدما أصبحت جاهزةً في طبق التقديم، وعندما تبرد يمكن تناولها، كما يمكن تقديمها معا لقهوة أو الشاي.

أفكار حشوات

الثلاثاء، 4 ديسمبر 2018


Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings


Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.


{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{رChannels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.Channels who subscribe to you will be notified when you upload new videos or respond to others' videos (by favoriting, commenting, rating, etc). You can control which of your actions are publicly visible by going to your Sharing settings.

الاثنين، 3 ديسمبر 2018

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